Monday, 24 November 2014

Gunhild Stordalen alvorlig syk

I slutten av oktober skal Gunhild Stordalen ha fått påvist den potensielt livstruende sykdommen, skriver Dagens Næringsliv.
Systemisk sklerodermi er en bindevevssykdom som kan spre seg til hele kroppen, og angriper hud og indre organer.
Stordalen sier til DN at hun ikke vet om hun blir frisk.
- Jeg spurte overlegen på Rikshospitalet: «Hvis jeg ikke dør, hvordan kommer livet mitt til å bli?» Og da sa han: «Det snakker vi ikke om nå», sier Gunhild Stordalen til avisen.

-Betydelig dødelighet

Prognosen for pasienter med systemisk sklerodermi er alvorlig, avhengig av spredning og hvilke organer som blir angrepet.
Petter og Gunhild Stordalen under utdelingen av moteprisen Nåløyet 2014 på DogA tidligere i år.

Petter og Gunhild Stordalen under utdelingen av moteprisen Nåløyet 2014 på DogA tidligere i år.
FOTO: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix
Ved utbredt sykdom, som sees i ca. 40 prosent av tilfellene, er dødeligheten i løpet av 5 år betydelig, heter det i Store Medisinske Leksikon. Verst er det hvis hjerte, lunger eller nyrer rammes. For halvparten av pasientene stabiliserer sykdommen seg og medfører begrenset funksjonstap, skriver hudlege Tor Langeland i Store Medisinske Leksikon.
Hos Gunnhild Stordalen skal sykdommen foreløpig ikke ha spredd seg til indre organer.

Avlyste jobber

Både Gunhild Stordalen og ektemannen Petter Stordalen har siden oktober kansellert møter, foredrag og offentlige tilstelninger.
– Vi har valgt å fortelle om dette nå, på tross av at ingen kan vite hvordan dette ender, sier ektemannen til DN.

Får eksperimentell behandling

Gunhild Stordalen har blitt undersøkt både ved Rikshospitalet og hos spesialister i USA. Nå skal hun igjennom en krevende, eksperimentell behandling i Nederland. De neste månedene skal hun gjennomgå en høydose cellegiftsbehandling og stamcelletransplantasjon.
Nyheten om Gunhild Stordalens sykdom har ført til massive støtteerklæringer på sosiale medier. Lørdag formiddag skrev Petter Stordalen på Twitter:
– Jeg innser at jeg kommer til å bli uendelig syk og kanskje subbe borti gravkanten med begge bena før jeg er gjennom behandlingen. Men jeg har forsonet meg med risikoen. Alternativet er så mye dårligere. For det eneste jeg vet, er at uten stamcelletransplantasjonen, kommer jeg til å bli verre. Mye verre, sier hun i DNs reportasje.

Opptatt av mat og miljø

Gunhild Stordalen er utdannet lege, men har de siste årene jobbet med klimaspørsmål og miljøvern, både gjennom stiftelsen Stordalen Foundation, ZERO-konferansen og GreeNudge. Hun er også styremedlem i ektemannens selskaper Home Invest og Nordic Choice Hotels.
Stordalen klarte i vår å samle verdens fremste forskere, næringslivsledere og politikere til å diskutere mat og miljøspørsmål under konferansen EAT Stockholm Food Forum.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Twins Tower New York

The two towers were different in height: the first one, built in 1972, reached a height of 417 meters and the second one, finished one year later measured 415 meters. The One World Trade Center was the tallest building in the world until 1974, when the Sears Tower was built inChicago. At the time of their destruction, the Twin Towers still ranked in the top 10 of the highest buildings in the world and dominated the skyline of lower Manhattan.

The World Trade Center was a project started up in 1960 by David Rockefeller. The towers were sometimes nicknamed David and Nelson, the Rockefeller brothers. The design came from Minoru Yamasaki and Emery Roth & Sons. The monolithic Twin Towers were never seen as great architecture, but it certainly was a great engineering feat.

The Terrorist Attacks

The Building never received the attention the Empire State Buildinggets. But it first became world news when, on friday Feb. 23, 1993 at 12:18, a bomb exploded in the World Trade Center. 
Ground Zero, WTC, NYC
Ground Zero, July 2002
The explosion killed 6 and wounded at least 1000 people. Muslim fundamentalists have been convicted for the bombing.

The second time the WTC became world news was on the tragic day September 11, 2001 when 2 hijacked planes crashed into the twin towers. Not much later, the towers imploded. Almost 3000 people died in this cowardly terrorist attack by muslims. The site of the towers - a gaping wound - became known as 'ground zero'.


New WTC under construction
New WTC under
Plans to build a new WTC were launched shortly after the destruction of the original WTC Towers. Instead of rebuilding the Twin Towers, it was decided to create a memorial at the site and build five new towers around the memorial.

Already in 2006 one of the towers - Seven WTC, a 52 story skyscraper - was completed. The whole complex, including the landmark 1 WTC tower with a symbolic height of 541 meters or 1,776 ft (The US declared its independence from the British in 1776) was completed in 2013. One World Observatory, the observation deck on floors 100 to 102, is expected to open in Spring 2015.


WTC Memorial, New York City
9/11 Memorial
memorial to the victims of the terrorist attack on the WTC was unveiled on September 11, 2011.

The memorial, dubbed 'Reflecting Absence', has cascading waterfalls with illuminated reflecting pools at the exact site of the former towers. The memorial design by architect Michael Arad and landscape architect Peter Walker was chosen during a competition which attracted more than 5200 submissions.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Top 10 jackpots in Las Vagas

Top 10 Recent Las Vegas Slot Jackpot Winners

Wheel Of Fortune Slot MachineThere are always going to be some mega sized jackpots won in places such as a Las Vegas, and this is obviously due to the fact that there are more players and more progressive slot games found in this gambling City than in any other part of the world.
However, you may be wondering just how often some of the progressive slot games that can be found in Las Vegas award their top prize jackpots, and if so then the following guide to going to open your eyes in regards to the frequency that the jackpots are awarded on Las Vegas progressive slot games.
What you will also find interesting in this guide is we have chosen to name not only the casinos in which the jackpot were won but also the time and amount of the jackpots, plus of course we list the name of the slot games which awarded these life changing jackpot winning payouts.
It should be noted that as you check through this listing of the top 10 biggest Las Vegas slot jackpot winners guide, you will notice that the Wheel of Fortune slot game does appear to pay out its jackpot very, very regularly. The reason for this is simple, that is one of the most played slot game series in Las Vegas, with virtually every land based casino in Nevada offering a range of these highly playable games!
Always be aware that if you do decide to give any of the following progressive slot games some play tie mina land based casino, you need to play maximum bet spins to have a chance of winning in the jackpot paying combination and then winning the progressive jackpot attached to that slot game.
If you play any of the following top 10 progressive slots and fail to put into play maximum bet spins then you will have no chance what so ever of winning the progressive jackpot, you may however win a much smaller cash prize if you line up the jackpot combinations but have not put into play the required stake amounts.
Always have a good look through the rules of any progressive slot game you are thinking of sitting down and playing before you actually do play it, for printed on the slot games glass you will find exactly hw you have to play the slot to have any realistic chance of spinning in and winning that life changing jackpot win!
Let us now present to you the top 10 Las Vegas progressive jackpots that have been paid out on various different slot games in the last few months, as you are about to discover the value of some of these jackpots won are huge, and there have been many people leaving Las Vegas multi millionaires!
Hopefully you will be adding your name to the jackpot winners list one day soon, let’s hope so!
  1. Wheel of Fortune Video Slot (1¢) - The highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $4,526,288.12 this jackpot was won on 1/28/2014 and the lucky winning player was playing the 1c Wheel of Fortune Video Slot at the Caesars Palace Casino when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  2. Wheel of Fortune Slot $1.00 – The second highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $2,694,775.14 this jackpot was won on 5/26/2014 and the lucky winning player was playing the $1 Wheel of Fortune Slot at Treasure Island when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  3. Wheel of Fortune $1.00 - The third highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $1,235,302 this jackpot was won on 11/11/2013 and the lucky winning player was playing the $1.00 Wheel of Fortune slot at Caesars Palace when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  4. Wheel of Fortune $1.00 – The fourth highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $1,094,560.56 this jackpot was won on 6/7/2014 and the lucky winning player was playing the $1.00 Wheel of Fortune slot at the Bellagio when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  5. Wheel of Fortune $5 - The fifth highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $1,036,304 this jackpot was won on 10/26/2013 and the lucky winning player was playing the $5 Wheel of Fortune at Harrah’s when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  6. Wheel of Fortune 25¢ - The sixth highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $273,005 this jackpot was won on 11/6/2013 and the lucky winning player was playing the 25c Wheel of Fortune slot at the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  7. Wheel of Fortune 25¢ - The seventh highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $257,696 this jackpot was won on 10/28/2013 and the lucky winning player was playing the 25c Wheel of Fortune slot at the Excalibur Casino when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  8. Wheel of Fortune 25¢ - The eighth highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $241,126.36 this jackpot was won on 12/28/2013 and the lucky winning player was playing the25c Wheel of Fortune slot at the Aquarius Casino Resort in Laughlin when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  9. Wheel of Fortune 25¢ - The ninth highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $238,177 this jackpot was won on 11/10/2013 and the lucky winning player was playing the 25c Wheel of Fortune slot at the Mandalay Bay Casino when the jackpot combination was spun in.
  10. Wheel of Fortune 25¢ - The tenth highest jackpot won in Las Vegas recently was a jackpot worth $201,352.99 this jackpot was won on 3/10/2014 and the lucky winning player was playing the 25c Wheel of Fortune slot at the Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino when the jackpot combination was spun in.